Saturday, 18 February 2017

What defines the term 'Disneyesque'?

Disneyeque is a term used to generalize the style that Disney have developed in their animations and theme parks. Walter Disney spent many years creating an image on which his brand would be known for. Although Disney appears it was created by Walt alone Ub Iwerks heavily influenced the direction in which Disney took.

Walter Disney and Ub Iwerks

With the creation of Disney came the invention of Uncle Walt. Uncle Walt is another name given to Walter Disney. Uncle Walt was all caring and released many videos of himself explaining what goes on inside the studio. Although Walt was known for being all caring he was also accused of being racist and an anti-Semite due to the release of 'The Jungle Book' and that Walt Disney gave a private tour to a Nazi Propagandist, but these rumors are believed to be false.

Disney are mostly known for the creation of the character called 'Mickey Mouse' as he is the face of the theme parks and part of the logo for the Disney Channels. Mickey Mouse was a character who appeared in many animations before going onto having his own animation 'Steam Boat Willie' which was the first ever animation with synchronized sound.

Disney started off with short 'Cel' animated films, these mainly involved characters who could do very unrealistic things such as wringing out violin. This added a sense of fun to Disney's animation. Disney then decided to move onto creating the first 'Cel' Animated feature length film as well as the first film to using the 'Multi plane Camera' . 'Snow white and the seven dwarfs' as well as the later Disney films created 'The Disney Princess'.

Snow White

Disney Princesses are a huge part of what makes Disney, Disney. They have inspired young girls and boys all around the world, and many travel to the theme parks just to get a chance to 'meet' the princesses and princes. Although there are a lot of positives that come from Disney princesses they also caused some controversy with feminists and could have been seen to have some racial predigest. This was due to the first three princesses 'having to rely on a Prince Charming.' Also the first five princesses being white. This changed as the culture, rights and views in society changed.

On the other side of the camera women were said to be treated differently, not being able to get the high end jobs in the studio and having to do things such as painting the animated 'Cels' after the men finished. On the other side of the story it was seen as 'cultural norm' for women to be treated like that at the time.

Disney Princesses

Although not known for it specifically Disney use anthropomorphism in there animations such as the candle in 'Beauty and the Beast' or the dogs in '101 Dalmatians'. This has drawn in a wide range of audiences but mainly the child audience.

A modern day example of Disney trying to keep there reputation is them cutting ties to a famous Youtuber, PewDiePie. This was due to the 'Wall Street Journal' writing an article about PewDiePie being an anti-Semite.

Source List;

Zhon, P. (2010) 'Coloring the Kingdom', Vanity Fair, [online] Available From: 
(Vanity Fair is a bias magazine but has good sources of women who worked in the industry at the time)

Ghez, D. (2014) 'Walt's People: Volume 1'. Mclain. Theme Park Press.

Ghez, D. (2014) 'Walt's People: Volume 2'. Mclain. Theme Park Press.

Gabler, N. (2007) 'Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination'. Vintage Bookes.